The mission of Community Connect is to provide quality, community-based behavioral health services to meet the needs of each person. Community Connect helps pregnant women, families, caregivers, and individuals by providing a one-stop entry point for needed services, such as housing, employment, finances, parenting, physical health, and community connections.
Community Options is a proud provider of Community Connect. Participants will receive:
Care Coordinators play a crucial role in connecting and supporting program participants. They assist participants in achieving their short and long-term goals by creatively addressing any obstacles.
Includes access to supportive housing, educational opportunities, gainful employment, leisure activities, wellness, family and community social supports, parenting education, spiritual engagement, nourishment assistance programs, and other individualized resources needed to help participants lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
Connection with a peer with a similar experience. Peer Support Specialists provide mentorship, advocacy, and additional recovery support.

Looking to Apply?

Community Options is a proud provider of Community Connect, a program funded and administered by the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services.
Get in Touch
If you do not qualify for the program above or are looking for other resources, please contact us through our chat or contact form.