Job Opportunities & Basic Skills
The JOBS Program is the employment and training component for families who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). TANF is a program intended to move families from public assistance to self-sufficiency by providing cash assistance and work readiness, training, and job placement services.
The JOBS Program helps people achieve self-sufficiency by offering career training, education, financial literacy training, outreach, and case management services. People in this program work closely with a Care Coordinator to develop a personalized plan based on their interests, skills, values, and personality to ensure success in their chosen occupation.
The goal with JOBS is full-time, paid employment, however, if full-time, paid employment is not available, there are allowable work activities that are required, such as on-the-job training, unpaid work experience, community service, job search readiness activities, job skills training directly related to employment, and more.
The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services partners with Community Options to provide the JOBS Program to TANF recipients.

- Under age 18 or will graduate from high school by age 19 and,
- Without parental support because of a parent's death, physical or mental disability, age, or continued absence from the home.
- Low Income

The Crossroads Program provides financial assistance to parents up to age 21 for childcare and transportation, enabling them to pursue education. Each parent enrolled in the Crossroads Program will work with a dedicated Care Coordinator who will provide them with continuous guidance and support. The Care Coordinator and parent will:
- Complete an assessment, discuss education goals, and identify any barriers that might prevent achieving education goals
- Meet at least once per month
- Determine transportation allowance
- Monitor involvement in educational activities and provide help if needed (tutoring, etc.)
- Complete a progress report at the end of each semester that may include school staff
Once a parent receives their high school diploma or GED through the Crossroads Program, they qualify for a one-time graduation incentive.
Exception: If the parent is already participating in the Crossroads Program and enrolls in a bachelor's degree program, they are eligible until the degree is complete.
Looking to Apply?
Contact Community Options or visit your local Human Service Zone.

In collaboration with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services.
Get in Touch
If you do not qualify for the program above or are looking for other resources, please contact us through our chat or contact form.