Community Options can help you gain access to LIHEAP - a program that assists eligible families with their home heating and weatherization expenses. Our team will meet you in your home and help you gather the necessary documents to apply for this benefit.

LIHEAP covers a portion of the cost of natural gas, electricity, propane, fuel oil, coal, wood, or any other fuel source.

The program also covers:

  • Weatherization services (insulation, weather stripping around doors and windows, etc.)
  • Furnace cleaning, repair, and replacement
  • Chimney cleaning and inspection
  • Emergency Assistance
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  • Be a North Dakota Resident
  • Community Options can assist with gathering the below information and submit the LIHEAP application to the Human Service Zone Office.
  • Verification for any income received in the prior month, current month, and anticipated for the following month. (SSI, SSDI, wages earned, pension, etc.) Income eligibility can be found here.
  • LIHEAP can be backdated to October (the start of the current heating season). Please provide all household income from October to current.
  • Reimbursement for heating bills paid (propane fill, natural gas, electricity) requires proof of paid heating bills along with income.
  • Verification of expenses you have paid from June 1 to current

- Medical Expenses

- Childcare Expenses

- Child Support/Alimony

  • Copy of your heating bill
  • Copy of your lease if you rent

Looking to Apply?


Community Options is a proud partner of the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services in LIHEAP application assistance.

Get in Touch

If you do not qualify for the program above or are looking for other resources, please contact us through our chat or contact form.