Eagle Flats
In partnership with Metroplains Management, Eagle Flats provides pre-tenancy and tenancy support services to individuals who have experienced long-term homelessness. Tenants pay rent based on their income using a Project Based Voucher through the Great Plains Housing Authority. Our team works with clients to access additional resources and referrals for economic assistance and other support programs. We offer flexible, individually tailored services that involve collaboration between service providers, property managers, and tenants to promote housing stability, preserve tenancy, and resolve any crises that may arise. Our housing support services include both pre-tenancy and tenancy support.

- Is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
- Is manifested before the person attains age 22;
- Is likely to continue indefinitely;
- Results in substantial functional limitation in three or more of the following areas of major life activity; self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility AND
- Is without housing and lives on the streets, in a car, non-residential building, etc.
- Is without housing and spends nights in a shelter, institution, or temporary housing.
- Is staying with another family (for less than 30 days) and there are not enough beds for everyone.
- Is at risk of losing housing due to: eviction, sale of housing, loss of income, or other crisis.
- Lives in substandard housing as determined by a licensed housing inspector.

Cooper House
Cooper House is a secure housing project consisting of 42 units. It is a collaborative effort between Beyond Shelter Inc. and the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services. The project provides 24-hour supportive services to tenants. Every tenant receives personal assistance in developing a Housing Support Plan with their Tenant Coordinator based on their individual goals and focusing on housing stability. On-site staff can provide coordination and support to help tenants achieve their goals. In addition, tenants have access to the services of a part-time nurse.
The Supportive Services are funded through the PSH Grant in partnership with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services - Behavioral Health Division. Tenants pay income-based rent with a Project Based Voucher through Fargo Housing Authority.
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If you do not qualify for the program above or are looking for other resources, please contact us through our chat or contact form.